The trouble thyroid gland forms festival or does the adenoma affect appetite?
患甲状腺结节或腺瘤影响食欲 么 ?
互联网The thyroid gland is located on frontof the neck below the thyroid cartilage ( Adam's apple ).
甲状腺 位于颈部的中间甲状软骨的下方.
——期刊摘选Two side thyroid gland appearance, densities such as often.
两侧甲状腺形态 、 密度如常.
互联网Can be thyroid cancer cured? Can be thyroid gland excised?
甲状腺癌症可以治愈 吗 ?甲状腺可以切除 吗 ?
互联网Thyroid gland: Endocrine gland in the throat that secretes hormones vital to metabolism and growth.
甲状腺: 位于喉下方、分泌对新陈代谢和生长都很重要的激素(荷尔蒙)的内分泌腺.
互联网Diagnosis: Thyroid gland's tumor resection, follicular carcinoma, solid variant, microinvasive with lymph node metastasis.
诊断: 甲状腺滤泡性癌, 实性亚型,微小浸润,伴颈部淋巴结转移.
互联网Does the thyroid gland poison if palpus use resists?
互联网Thyroid cancer is a disease cancer ( malignant ) cells are found in the tissues of thyroid gland.
期刊摘选Should nodal sex thyroid gland become an operation, what should after finishing, need to notice?
结节性甲状腺要做手术吗, 做完后应需要注意些 什么 ?
互联网Nettle is rich in iodine, minerals, vitamins and chlorophyll and nourishes thyroid gland.
荨麻含丰富的碘质, 矿物质 、 维他命及叶绿素,能滋润整个甲状腺.
期刊摘选After thyroid gland excision method, many patients need long - term or take the thyroxine life - long.
甲状腺切除术后, 不少患者需要 长期 或者终生服用甲状腺激素.
互联网Conclusion: To prevent side hurting is critical to the success of thyroid gland second operation again.
结论: 避免副损伤是甲状腺再次手术成功的关键.
互联网Poor memory Arthritis 12. Abnormal Growth in Thyroid Gland?
互联网Thyroid gland disease is a common and frequently occurring disease, but it is easily misdiagnosed sometime.
甲状腺疾病是一种常见病、多发病, 但有时易误诊.
互联网Selenium also essential for normal functioning of the immune system and thyroid gland.
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